
My name is Alice.  I am a Letters major and a sophomore.  Currently I am taking incredibly interesting classes, comprised of Italian Renaissance Art, Morality and Foreign Policy, Spanish, Latin, and Origins of Christianity.  I’ve now experienced the first days of all of these classes, and the pleasant first days I’ve had seem to promise future excitement and knowledge.  I’m involved in the Honors Student Association, Our Earth, and the Student Environmental Council.

This introduction seems to already be more intimate than many of my other introductions in classes, despite the fact that visual aspects are lacking.  I’ve never had to say more than my hometown, major, grade, and possibly something interesting about me.  Now I’m scraping together an introduction that more extensively looks into my life.  This feels personal, too, because I’m lying in my bed, finishing other homework and ultimately more soft/unguarded than I would feel in a classroom.

I’m currently reading The Lord of the Rings.  I finished The Two Towers earlier today, which I was excited about.  I’m going to rate it 5 stars on Goodreads!  I hope to start and finish the last installment of The Lord of the Rings soon, but I fear the vast free time I had over the break will soon be replaced with obligations, work, and challenges.

An interesting fact about myself is that just two days ago I purchased a candle.  My life has never before involved candles, but each time I come into my room I light it and find some weird sort of solace in this.  Perhaps I could intertwine this image of a candle that comforts me with greater symbols–light, good.  For now, though, I’m excited about this candle and the aroma that radiates from it.

A similar candle to mine